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英雄联盟手游S3赛季结束奖励有哪些 英雄联盟手游s3赛季结束时间

2023-06-11 08:20:24作者:互联网转载


As the third season of League of Legends mobile game comes to an end, players are eagerly waiting to know about the rewards they will receive. The S3 season was filled with intense battles and nail-biting moments, and players are excited to see what they will get as a reward. In this article, we will discuss the rewards that players can expect at the end of the season.

Rank-based rewards

One of the most anticipated rewards for players is the rank-based rewards. Depending on the rank achieved by the player, they will receive different rewards. Here is a breakdown of the rewards based on the rank:

  1. Challenger: Players who achieve the Challenger rank will receive a unique border, a Challenger icon, and a Victorious skin.
  2. Diamond: Players who achieve the Diamond rank will receive a unique border, a Diamond icon, and a Victorious skin.
  3. Platinum: Players who achieve the Platinum rank will receive a unique border, a Platinum icon, and a Victorious skin.
  4. Gold: Players who achieve the Gold rank will receive a unique border, a Gold icon, and a Victorious skin.
  5. Silver: Players who achieve the Silver rank will receive a unique border, a Silver icon, and a Victorious skin.
  6. Bronze: Players who achieve the Bronze rank will receive a unique border, a Bronze icon, and a Victorious skin.

Participation rewards

Players who participated in the season will also receive rewards, regardless of their rank. Here are the rewards that players can expect:

  • Season 3 icon: Players who participated in the season will receive a unique Season 3 icon that they can use to show off their participation.
  • End of season emote: Players who participated in the season will receive an end of season emote that they can use to express their emotions.
  • Season 3 loading screen border: Players who participated in the season will receive a unique loading screen border that they can use to show off their participation.


The end of the season is always an exciting time for League of Legends mobile game players. The rewards for the S3 season are impressive, and players are looking forward to receiving them. Whether it is the rank-based rewards or the participation rewards, players can expect to receive something unique and valuable. With the new season just around the corner, players are gearing up for another round of intense battles and exciting moments.



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