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英雄联盟手游崔丝塔娜怎么玩 崔丝塔娜ap出装

2023-06-11 06:33:37作者:互联网转载


As one of the most popular champions in League of Legends, Tristana has also made her way into the mobile version of the game. This yordle marksman is known for her high damage output and mobility, making her a formidable opponent on the battlefield. In this guide, we will discuss the basics of playing Tristana in the mobile game.

1. Understanding Tristana's Abilities

Tristana's abilities are what make her a powerful champion. Her passive ability, Draw a Bead, allows her to increase her attack range as she levels up. Her Q ability, Rapid Fire, increases her attack speed for a short period of time. Her W ability, Rocket Jump, allows her to jump to a target location, dealing damage to nearby enemies upon landing. Her E ability, Explosive Charge, places a bomb on an enemy, which explodes after a few seconds, dealing damage to the target and nearby enemies. Her ultimate ability, Buster Shot, knocks back an enemy and deals damage to them and nearby enemies.

2. Laning Phase

During the laning phase, Tristana's main goal is to farm and get as much gold as possible. Use her passive ability to your advantage and stay at a safe distance from the enemy. Use your E ability to harass the enemy and make it difficult for them to farm. If the enemy gets too close, use your W ability to jump away and create distance. Once you reach level 6, you can use your ultimate ability to knock back the enemy and deal damage, which can be useful for securing kills or escaping ganks.

3. Teamfights

During teamfights, Tristana's role is to deal as much damage as possible while staying safe. Use your Q ability to increase your attack speed and your E ability to place bombs on multiple enemies. If an enemy gets too close, use your W ability to jump away and create distance. Save your ultimate ability for when an enemy is low on health and needs to be finished off, or for when an enemy is trying to escape.


Tristana is a powerful champion in the mobile version of League of Legends. Her abilities allow her to deal high amounts of damage and stay safe on the battlefield. Understanding her abilities and knowing how to play her during the laning phase and teamfights is crucial for success. With practice and experience, Tristana can be a valuable addition to any team.



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