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英雄联盟手游星籁歌姬技能是什么-英雄联盟手游星籁歌姬技 英雄联盟手游星籁歌姬厉害吗

2023-05-02 00:11:51作者:互联网转载


League of Legends: Wild Rift is a mobile version of the popular PC game, League of Legends. One of the champions available in the game is the Starry-Eyed Songstress, Seraphine. Her abilities are unique and can be used to support her team in various ways. In this article, we will discuss Seraphine's abilities and how they can be used effectively in the game.

英雄联盟手游星籁歌姬技能是什么-英雄联盟手游星籁歌姬技 英雄联盟手游星籁歌姬厉害吗(图1)

Seraphine's Abilities

1. High Note: Seraphine's basic attack sends out a sound wave that damages enemies in a cone in front of her. This ability also grants her bonus magic damage on her next basic attack.

2. Surround Sound: Seraphine sends out a sound wave that damages enemies and grants her and her allies movement speed for a short period of time. If Seraphine's allies are already affected by the movement speed, the duration of the effect is increased.

3. Beat Drop: Seraphine sends out a shockwave that damages enemies and grants her allies a shield. If an ally is already shielded, the shield is increased in strength.

4. Encore: Seraphine channels for a short period of time, sending out a sound wave that damages enemies and charms them. Charmed enemies are forced to move towards Seraphine.

英雄联盟手游星籁歌姬技能是什么-英雄联盟手游星籁歌姬技 英雄联盟手游星籁歌姬厉害吗(图2)

Using Seraphine's Abilities

Seraphine's abilities are designed to support her team in various ways. Her High Note ability can be used to deal damage to enemies and also grant her bonus magic damage on her next basic attack. This can be useful when trying to take down a high-priority target.

Surround Sound is a great ability to use when chasing down enemies or trying to escape from a dangerous situation. The movement speed bonus can help you and your allies catch up to enemies or get away from danger quickly.

Beat Drop is a powerful ability that can be used to shield your allies and keep them alive during team fights. This ability can also be used to bait enemies into attacking you, while your allies are protected by the shield.

Finally, Encore is a great ability to use when trying to initiate a team fight. The charm effect can force enemies to move towards you, making them vulnerable to your team's attacks. This ability can also be used to peel for your allies, by charming enemies that are trying to attack them.

英雄联盟手游星籁歌姬技能是什么-英雄联盟手游星籁歌姬技 英雄联盟手游星籁歌姬厉害吗(图3)


Seraphine is a powerful support champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift. Her abilities are unique and can be used to support her team in various ways. By mastering her abilities and using them effectively, you can help your team achieve victory in the game.



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