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英雄联盟手游兰德里的折磨怎么样 兰德里的折磨以前叫啥

2023-04-25 22:01:13作者:互联网转载

Introduction to League of Legends Wild Rift's Rendell the Tormentor

League of Legends Wild Rift is a popular mobile game that has gained a massive following since its release. One of the most popular champions in the game is Rendell the Tormentor, a powerful mage who can deal massive damage to enemies. In this article, we will take a closer look at Rendell and his abilities.

英雄联盟手游兰德里的折磨怎么样 兰德里的折磨以前叫啥(图1)

1. Rendell's Abilities

Rendell the Tormentor has a unique set of abilities that make him a formidable opponent on the battlefield. His passive ability, called "Torment," deals bonus damage to enemies who are already suffering from crowd control effects. His Q ability, "Chains of Torment," deals damage to enemies in a straight line and slows them down. His W ability, "Soul Drain," deals damage to enemies and heals Rendell for a portion of the damage dealt. His E ability, "Tormenting Soil," creates an area on the ground that deals damage over time to enemies standing on it. Finally, his ultimate ability, "Tormenting Shadow," creates a shadow that mimics Rendell's abilities and deals damage to enemies.

英雄联盟手游兰德里的折磨怎么样 兰德里的折磨以前叫啥(图2)

2. Rendell's Playstyle

Rendell is a mage who excels at dealing damage from a distance. His abilities allow him to control the battlefield by slowing down enemies and dealing damage over time. He is best played in the mid-lane, where he can quickly clear waves of minions and roam to other lanes to help his teammates. Rendell is also a great champion for team fights, as his abilities can deal damage to multiple enemies at once.

英雄联盟手游兰德里的折磨怎么样 兰德里的折磨以前叫啥(图3)

3. Rendell's Counters

While Rendell is a powerful champion, he does have some weaknesses that can be exploited by his opponents. Champions with high mobility, such as Zed or Yasuo, can easily dodge Rendell's abilities and close the gap to deal damage up close. Champions with high burst damage, such as Annie or LeBlanc, can quickly take down Rendell before he has a chance to use his abilities. Finally, champions with strong crowd control abilities, such as Lux or Morgana, can prevent Rendell from using his passive ability and dealing bonus damage.


Rendell the Tormentor is a powerful mage in League of Legends Wild Rift with a unique set of abilities. He is best played in the mid-lane and excels at dealing damage from a distance. While he does have some weaknesses, he can be a formidable opponent in the hands of a skilled player.



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